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Stare a casa non sempre significa stare al sicuro. 

Nei passati 12 mesi il numero delle donne tra 1 15 e i 49 anni ad aver subito violenza domestica, sia fisica che psicologica, dal partner è di 243 milioni nel mondo. 

Il COVID-19, con le limitazioni agli spostamenti rischia di peggiorare le condizioni di persone fragili. 


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Health project of MSF, IROKO and YWCA UCDG of Turin

Access for Health to Women was developed with the aim of informing and guiding immigrant women in Italy on access to the local health system in general, and specifically on the topic of knowledge and prophylaxis of the maternal-reproductive system.

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The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, especially in Syria, have generated a humanitarian emergency to which the Evangelical and Waldesian churches have responded with the activation of a humanitarian corridor. YWCA Rome takes part in the project as a host place for those refugees who can come to Rome thanks to this project.

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Giardino d’inverno: it is a meeting place for children, parents and grandparents, it is open every Tuesday and Thursday from November 2016 to March 2017. In addition, it organises thematic events such as parenting classes, breast-feeding and pregnancy assistance and a range of parenting-related courses.