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We are pleased to share with you, members and not, readers who follow us, visitors, volunteers linked to the association for years or just for a month, in short, all of you, a special initiative which we support with all our strength.
Here is the space dedicated to “Immersions into Sabina’s landscape” managed by the environmental guide Lucio Graziano with a long naturalist experience, deep knowledge of the rich and sinuous landscape of Sabina, legendary land, "the mother of Rome", situated north of the city, nestled between the Tiber and Aniene rivers.

Lucio lives in Magliano Sabina and supports our most curious guests and members in the ruins of the Roman cities, the lush olive groves and vineyards in the hills of an ancient land that hides enviable beauties to be discovered.
Why have we decided to support Lucio’s initiative, providing our accommodation?

His tours are “incursions”, strictly on foot or by bicycle, suitable for anyone who is curious to observe and understand the territory in which they live or in which they spend their vacation, for nature lovers, who love to discover it in slow mode , intending tourism a tool for sustainable development, where environment sets rules and times and man must adapt himself to nature conditions, walking on tiptoe through the wonders of a fresh nature, at times wild, friendly.

Rome is the ultimate Eternal City, a destination for a tourism linked in particular to the history preserved in its ancient walls. The Capital, although in the framework of a complex development strategy, is now being rapidly equipped with tools that favor the emergence of a human scale tourism: we mention, among all, the initiatives for the pedestrianization of the Appian Way, The “Regina Viarum”, and the GRAB, a ring road link, connecting suburbs, densely populated neighborhoods and historic areas with each other, ensuring inter-district mobility in which central and marginal areas may give rise to urban transformation and regeneration processes.

Our foyer, offering accommodation facilities, is located just steps away from Termini Station, and it’s an ideal starting point in any direction out of town.
For example, toward Sabina.
That's why we believe that Lucio’s  initiative deserves to be sponsored.
Below is the detailed program of its forthcoming initiatives -in continuous upgrade- open to all guests and members of our venue in Rome.
In Lucio’s company the landscapes around you will suddenly open up to reveal themselves and to tell you what they were and what they have become.
Sabina awaits!

Guided tour program (trekking and MTB) focused on rural landscape "reading"

L. Tolstoy: "If you describe your village well, you’ll talk to the whole world."

Rural landscape reading: what is it? Technically it comes to observe the individual elements of the different overlapping landscape layers: the vegetational one, the geologic, architectural, archaeological, agricultural, cultural, etc. and to notice the relationships between them. The final output of this operation is a deeper and more conscious knowledge of the territory, it is "breathing" the spirit of the place, permeated by the peasant culture from which we all come, so it also means to touch your bio-cultural identity....

Immersions into Sabina’s landscape are NOT ONLY food and wine, or nature, or “museum” tourism, they are a rural experience!!
Immersions into landscape is: #nature, #culture, #biocultural landscape, #biodiversity, #archeology, #typical food tasting, #rurality, #wild edible and medicinal herbs and trees recognizing, #anthropology, #ruralarchitecture, #medievalvillages, #localmuseums, #landscape history, #storytelling #feellocal

The Lower Sabine is still a mostly intact landscape, with numerous parks, natural monuments, as well as signs of past civilizations, such as archaeological sites and remains of peasant memory.

The Guide: Lucio Graziano
Born in 1970, graduated in Natural Sciences, president of AGER (International Agency for the protection of bio-cultural landscapes and for the new rurality). Environmental Guide with license and consultant, on environment, rural development and tourism.
The discovery of the rural and natural landscape is also a personal passion: I’m mainly talking about  the discovery of hidden and enchanted spots, maybe even "around the corner", most often ignored by the distracted majorities, but where it is possible to "read" the history of those places and of who has have been there and to perceive their deep spirit. I’m a professional environmental guide just to convey the emotion that comes from these "discoveries"

(FB) Lucio Graziano Guida ambientale
(mail) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(Cell) +393403366002

The trips are by bike (MTB) or on foot.
• The sporting performance is not important, you will walk/ride on roads and trails for hikers, the most important thing is just that you get to the final destination "enriched".
• Anyway the paths are not always very easy, sometimes you need a bit of training, otherwise you are not having fun and you risk getting hurt, you should be sure to be well aware of the paths difficulty levels before booking. Nevertheless that bit of effort and challenge often is also the ingredient that makes the trip unique and rich in satisfaction.
• The excursions are not too many kilometers long,  and include some stops every now and then to talk about the landscape that can be seen (day trips are on average 15 -45 km, by mountain bike, and 6 -10 km when walking)
• excursions are interactive therefore who wants to intervene by bringing his own experience is welcome. The atmosphere is relaxed, informal and non-academic.